Summer Sushi Cupcakes

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One of my favorite things to eat during the summer is sushi. Because of that, I made sushi cupcakes for a 4th of July party this past weekend. I know sushi isn’t really a very American patriotic theme, but I wanted my cupcakes to be a little different and unexpected. I was thinking of making hamburger cupcakes since that goes with the BBQ theme of the party I was at, but sushi cupcakes were a much newer concept to me, so I tried them instead.  I planned to make a whole batch of them but they took so long to put together I decided that 12 was enough.

Items I used to decorate the cupcakes included jelly beans as roe, yellow cake strips as egg, apple fruit roll-ups for seaweed, orange slice gummy candy for pieces of salmon, and cut up pieces of fruit chews (like Starbursts) and gummy bears as the insides of some of the sushi rolls. For the “rice” I used white frosting and coconut flakes. I was going to use white sprinkles as well for rice but could not find regular old white sprinkles anywhere!

Thankfully the cupcakes were well received at the party. I know some people could have been turned off by the idea of “raw fish” on a cupcakes. Now I must figure out what I’ll be making and decorating next. I might give cake pops another try.

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Shane's Killer Cupcakes by Shane Russell is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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