So as this is the time for resolutions, I think it’s a good day to set some goals for myself concerning my baking and this blog. I want to thank you for continuing to read my blog too. I started this blog back in March of this year not really expecting it to be more than just a blog to share my cupcakes with friends, but it has grown to be more than that. I want it to keep growing and hope that you’ll stick around for the ride.
So here are the goals I’m setting for myself:
- I am going to post at least once per week. I’ve been really bad at posting regularly on here and I want that to change. Starting in 2012 I will share something with you at least once per week. It might just be a picture, or a project, or maybe even just a random musing but I will post.
- I will learn to bake from scratch. I’ve never been much of a baker. I’ve always been more interested in the decorating part, so I’ve taken short cuts and used canned frosting and boxed cake mix often, but the flavor of my cupcakes have always suffered because of this. This year I want my treats to taste as good as they look!
- I will learn more about photography. Online your food only looks as good as your camera can make it, and something that looks awesome in person can look terrible in a photo if it’s not taken in the right conditions. I only have an inexpensive Canon point and shoot camera for my food photos, but I want to be able to use it to the best of its ability so that my blog will look more professional and eye catching.
What are some of your resolutions for 2012? I know it’s cliché these days to make resolutions anymore, but it’s never a bad idea to set goals for yourself. And setting them at the beginning of a year just feels like you can push the Reset button and start over.
By the way, my good friend Amber will be a guest blogger on here soon. The post that she’s preparing could be the only one she posts but hopefully she’ll want to do more writing for me here in the future. I look forward to what she has to share with us.